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标题: Disparate reactions in Latin America to the Russian invasion [打印本页]

作者: sakil627    时间: 2024-2-15 16:37
标题: Disparate reactions in Latin America to the Russian invasion
It is often said that extremes touch. And the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, this February , has provoked reactions of coincidence and also unusual differences in Latin America. Could anyone think that Bolsonaro , the far-right leader of Brazil, was going to agree on something with the Argentines Alberto Fernández / Cristina Kirchner or with the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador? The Russian move caused these coincidences, with the leaders of the three main countries of the subcontinent reacting lukewarmly, avoiding - at least initially - taking a firm position, contrary to what happened in the rest of the Western world.

But the invasion also brought to the fore the differences between the left. In the case of Bolsonaro, we have to think that it is clumsiness and ignorance, ignoring the advice that he could Gambia Email List have received from the diplomatic apparatus - known as Itamaraty -, one of the most prepared and prestigious in the world until this government took it by storm. Bolsonaro avoided condemning Putin, denied that a massacre was taking place with the advance of troops into Ukrainian territory, proclaimed the country's neutrality and rejected the imposition of sanctions. Bolsonaro, isolated internationally, traveled to Moscow two weeks ago to meet with Putin. Everyone already knew that Russia was massively concentrating troops on the border with Ukraine and that invasion was a possibility that was getting closer every day.

He still traveled, knowing that very few countries would want to have him as a guest, and trying to show his own clientele that he could rub shoulders with some world-class leader. He claimed, at the time, that the two countries are important trading partners, although the visit ended without any results. To provide elements for confusion about the Brazilian position, Vice President Hamilton Mourão maintained a position of clear condemnation of Russia. And the Brazilian ambassador to the UN, Ronaldo Costa Filho, said in his speech at the emergency General Assembly that began on Monday, that “the use of force against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of any member state goes against the most basic norms and principles and is a clear violation of the UN Charter.

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