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More than 100 million Mexicans use social networks









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发表于 2024-2-15 19:00:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Mexicans use social networks
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Currently, 77.2% of the population in Mexico uses social networks , this percentage represents 100 million Mexicans who access various social media platforms, placing YouTube, Facebook, Whatsapp, FB Messenger, Instagram among their favorite options. and Twitter, among others.

Its rise is such that most Mexicans have more than one account on one Russia Email List of the aforementioned sites or others: on average 10.2 social networks are used per person and we also spend around 3 and a half hours connected to them , according to the Digital Report.

Use of social networks in Mexico: 100 million access social media, the majority on Facebook )

The time that social networks are used impacted the language of Mexicans
It is evident that social networks have transformed the way we relate and interact with our acquaintances, increasing, improving and facilitating immediate communication at a global level, while at the same time we are informed on them about what happens daily.

For this reason, Hootsuite , a social media management platform, shared key data on its use, highlighting among these its impact on communication and the incorporation of new words to our vocabulary, which even today are part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy.

Although the use of social networks among Mexicans has been advancing for years, its rise in quarantine increased with the need to connect with friends, family or remote study and work colleagues: leisure time led us to explore many alternatives and add more time than we used before .

According to research, today we spend more thanhours a week browsing social networks, which has impacted essential aspects of our daily lives, including language. This has been advancing since 1992 in cell phone text messages when popular abbreviations were created to save characters (xq, XD, k). After the evolution of mobile devices and the emergence of platforms like Twitter, ideas had to be simplified using emojis and more abbreviations to fit complete messages into 140 characters.

[Tweet “We spend more thana week on social media and we have adapted to it so much that we transfer many words or definitions from digital communication to our general vocabulary”]

Digital idioms became part of the vocabulary
The evolution of digital communication led us to incorporate new words or definitions of communication technologies into colloquial Spanish and many have been included in the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language. Some of the most common are:

We must note that its use is such that these last two were incorporated into the RAE dictionary in. Thus, more digital expressions popularized by millennials are part of everyday life on any of the social platforms and not knowing them makes it difficult for us to understand most of what is said.

For this reason, the acceptance of these words among the population becomes easier since every day there are more people, Mexicans or from all over the world, who use social networks and becoming familiar with them is part of their sense of belonging to their communities. digital communities.

According to data from Digital, globally, social media users increase by 1.4 million per day , that is, 16.5 new users per second, motivated by factors such as socializing, getting informed, finding products to buy and being entertained.

Most popular platforms in Mexico and time of use
To close, we share with you the Top 5 of the most visited social networks in Mexico, the networks where Mexican users spend the most time and the most used streaming apps according to the Hootsuite study.


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