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Black Hat SEO









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-12 14:00:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
If earlier I talked to you about the 'good guys', now let's move on to the "bad guys", i.e. those who want everything immediately, without too many difficulties or complicated processes. In essence, those who position themselves following this line look for borderline gimmicks, unethical subterfuges or even contrary to the search engine guidelines. The objective, therefore, is to get to the top of the SERP in the shortest time possible, to the detriment of the quality and correctness of the work being carried out.Here are some examples:Keyword stuffing .

To make a page more 'interesting' from the point of view of search Business Owner Phone Numbers List engines, you can write repetitive content on the company website. In this way the relevance and density of the keywords will be increased. To develop this technique, simply write a text in a very small font or in a color similar to or the same as the background, in this way the text is detected only by search engines and not by users.Cloaking . Through computer processing, thanks to particular scripts, it is possible to make search engines detect a type of content that is actually different . In this way you can obtain better positions in the SERP.Purchase visits or purchase users on social profiles. “Buying” your audience, you understand that it can be effective at first but in the long run these views would lose value. These types of visits are not of quality, as they are fictitious and aimed at improving the positioning of the site.

These are just some examples that are generally used to improve the positioning of a web page on search results. As you have seen in the first part I analyzed the ethical techniques well received by search engines, primarily the illustrious Google. In the second part, however, I described the tricks for exploiting any errors created by the search engine algorithms. Through these works it is possible to quickly improve positioning, but they are techniques categorically prohibited by search engines. In fact, they are often used for the short term, to get the maximum benefit in the shortest possible time, as the risk of penalization by search engines is really high.


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