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Engine Land that a data refresh had occurred









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-14 17:39:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Update 4.0 – September 2016: Google announced on its Webmaster Central blog that Penguin was now part of the core algorithm. This meant Penguin worked in real-time and was also more granular. Update 3.0 – October 2014: Google confirmed to Search  Google later said that the update impacted less than 1 percent of English queries. Update 2.1 – October 2013: Google confirmed a data refresh happened. About 1 percent of searches were noticeably affected. Update 2.0 – May 2013: Google’s Matt Cutts confirmed on “This Week in Google” that a significant update took place and impacted 2.3% of English queries. Update 1.2 – October 2012: Google announced that a small refresh was happening. Only 0.3% of English queries would be affected. Update 1.1 – May 2012: Google announced that the first Penguin data refresh had occurred.

Less than 0.1% of English searches were impacted. Update 1.0 – April 2012: Google announced on its Inside Search and Webmaster Central blogs that the Penguin update was launched and designed to catch spammers and those going against publisher Denmark Email List guidelines. The update would impact about 3% of search queries. How to Watch for Google Algorithm Changes With the exception of recent broad core updates, Google rarely announces its algorithm updates. And when it does, it is usually only after others discover them. With so many tweaks going on daily, it is possible that Google doesn’t know that some changes will be significant enough to mention. Often the first indication you have is your own website. If your search traffic suddenly jumps or dives, chances are good that Google made an algo update that affected your search rankings. Where can you go for information when your online world gets rocked? Here’s what I recommend … Have a “seismograph” in place on your website.

To detect search traffic fluctuations on your own website, you need analytics software. If you haven’t already, install Google Analytics and Google Search Console on your website. They’re free, and they’re indispensable for SEO. Watch the SERP weather reports. RankRanger SERP fluctuations chart. Various websites and tools monitor ranking changes across categories and search markets and report on SERP volatility. Here are places you can check for early warning signs of a search ranking algorithm update: MozCast SEMrush Sensor CognitiveSEO SERPMetrics Algoroo Advanced Web Rankings Accuranker RankRanger Follow industry resources. I’m always reading as an SEO. For the latest Google news, I recommend that you: Read the Google Webmaster Central Blog and the official Google Search Blog. Google often uses these blogs to announce upcoming moves and explain algorithm updates after they’ve rolled out. Follow Danny Sullivan on Twitter, who is a search liaison for Google. Check search-industry sites like Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable and Search Engine Journal for SEO news. What To Do After a Google Update Think that an algorithm update has penalized your site? Don’t panic.


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