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How to sell your Software as a Service









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-3-6 22:56:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Introduction Selling software as a service is one way to generate recurring revenue from your solution, but only if you can convince the buyer to invest in your digital product. Each potential customer requires a different approach, depending on their buyer journey or stage in the buyer's journey. In this article you will know a checklist to sell SaaS with the points that you cannot miss. Shall we start? Checklist to sell SaaS To sell software as a service, keep the points below in mind. Know the pain points that your product solves The first thing you need to know is the pain points of your customers. You can get this information by researching or asking directly through surveys and interviews. The second thing to do is educate yourself about your product and how it works.

This will help you understand how it solves those pain points and what value it adds for your customers. The third step is to find out what your customers want from a solution like yours, so that when they buy from you they are satisfied with their purchase and won't go looking for another one six months from now (average LTV in SaaS). Mark this check when you can answer What does my client need? How do I help you Afghanistan Email Database with my product? Create your Buyer Personas To sell software as a service, keep the points below in mind. One of the most important steps in your SaaS marketing strategy is creating buyer personas . These are fictional characters that represent your ideal customers, based on their demographics and behaviour.

The goal of creating buyer personas is to help you better understand who your target audience is and how best to target them . We suggest you create all the buyers that are necessary, while the differences between them are solid. SaaS typically have 3 buyers and variations by geographic region. Make a Value Content Marketing Plan You can't just create content and expect it to sell your product. You need a clear strategy, a plan that guides you in the creation of content and helps you maintain the consistency of your message on all platforms . Content marketing plans usually include: A strategy . Why do you create content? Who is your target audience? What do they want or need from you? How will this help build brand awareness, increase traffic to your site, convert leads to paying customers, etc plan.


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